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Contact us for additional information, program guides, participation in an upcoming program or if you wish to custom design a program for your group or organization. We look forward to helping you return to the water.

“You are water
I’m water
we’re all water in different containers
that’s why it’s so easy to meet
someday we’ll evaporate together.” 
― Yoko Ono


999 Vanderbilt Beach Rd.
Naples, FL 34108

239 325 1871

Self Reflection journeys at sea to still the mind and find serenity within 

How life prepares us for Transformation

The Blue Blog

Our Blue Blog is our life journal of how the water affects our mind, body and spirit. Through our own personal life experiences we tell our stories of life living with Blue. 

How life prepares us for Transformation

Angela Mavredis

In 2005 I was faced with what seemed at the time an unachievable task. I needed to lay flat on my back and remain perfectly still for 9 months. I was allowed only to go to the bathroom to do my business and the occasional shower. Having miscarried 6 times prior (all male) it seemed like an endless journey of grief that had no end in sight. After a whirlwind of doctors I finally found the one who determined the reason behind my miscarriages so finally there was some ray of hope. I was determined to make it to the finish line this time. Now on my 7th pregnancy and due to all the miscarriages and subsequent necessary surgeries, my doctor advised that the only way to bring this pregnancy to term was to lay flat. He was explicit, direct and tough in his instructions - If you want to hold your son in your arms you will need to remain perfectly still for 9 months. That is 270 days 6,480 hours for a Type A personality like mine is eternity and insanity at the same time. My journey began with daily injections which I did myself, an immune system suppressant and blood thinner cocktail resulting in the critical need to stay inside. I couldn’t risk infections or injury of any type.

It was during this 9 month period that I decided to change my perception of this daunting ask. I decided to take the time to work on my meditation practice, dove deep into my understanding of spirituality and reevaluated what I wanted for Endless Blue, what kind of company I wanted it to become. We ended up having a record year for Endless Blue. Why? because I had the time to nurture myself, my baby and my client engagement. I had the time to self reflect, reassess priorities and grow as a human being. It was during this 9 month period of self isolation that I began to change. I wasn’t socially depressed but rather I was cocooning to help the transformation process reveal itself.

I changed my perspective and became laser focused on the end game. The 9 month duration was no longer viewed in dread but rather as an opportunity to strengthen my mind, perfect my craft and to use the words of Socrates - Know Thyself.

In order to transform, create a life, rebirth, raise your consciousness, heighten your frequency, it requires a deep dive into self and it requires isolation from outside stimuli. Yes I am grateful for the technology. It allowed me to travel farther in my mind, through music another great healer. In order for us to bring about transformation or a higher level of consciousness we must self isolate. We must dive deep to inner self to understand the lesson. We must look inside, question our beliefs, look at our faith, re-evaluate our priorities. We can’t do that when we are running at full speed in many cases mindless, running around to run around and with what purpose? At first it will appear that all will be lost, that we will self destruct but what actually arises is a new way of thinking, a new creative mind that allows you to prosper in different ways than you ever thought before. And deep inside there is a little voice and an alternate version of yourself that if you listen holds a signpost that says This Way —->

Today many if not all the clients from my 2005/2006 hiatus from the corporate world remain my friends. Not just acquaintances that we do the occasional thumbs up on Facebook - they became my most cherished friends because of the deep conversations about what they will experience on their journey sailing through the Greek Islands and being on the water. I was able to create the images in their mind on what was to come as that is what I do when I need to find peace to find stillness. Many of our travelers subsequently had their own transformative process when they were on their journey so there was a ripple effect of transformation from what at first seemed unbearable - staying still. This just proves how connected we really are.

I had a goal, similar to an athlete, bring a child into this world free from my negative thought. And like an athlete, you need to train, train your body, train your mind to achieve your goal. Self isolation, inner reflection and stillness allow you to hear the message. It allows you to transcend and achieve a higher self. That time period in my life was actually life preparing me for what was to come. Do I have down days and lose sight of what I’m trying to achieve - Absolutely. That’s ok that’s just part of the human process too. Today earth is asking us to take a break, our western medicine healers are asking for our help. Life is asking us to reassess and prepare for a higher level of engagement with one another. Life is asking us to go inside, inside our homes, inside our human vessel to begin the healing process. We just need to stop and listen. Stay safe, stay inside and stay still. The rewards will far outweigh the discomfort. They just need time to reveal themselves. We will get through together.

Now my postpartum journey is an entirely different experience but that’s for another post ;-)

Sat Nam